Prophet muhammad the movie
Prophet muhammad the movie

The Los Angeles Times called Muhammad "a candid, thoughtful, flowing, visually stunning film.…that is as timely as documentaries get….this important film delivers again and again. How could an illiterate man make up language of such poetry and wisdom?Ī KQED presentation, "Muhammad: Legacy Of A Prophet" was produced by Kikim Media and Unity Productions Foundation. One reason that a ban is demanded on Muhammad: The Messenger Of God, is because, according to a user, filmography is prohibitted in Shia culture.

#Prophet muhammad the movie movie

Muslims on the mico-blogging site have been demanding ban on the movie for various reasons. Cherif Bassiouni, professor of law at DePaul University. The hashtag is around Majid Majidis 2015 release called Muhammad: The Messenger Of God. While people were shocked by these claims, "they acquired credibility because of the very nature of the words spoken," says M. Slowly these revelations began to form the book we now know as the Qur'an (or Koran). Unable to write them, he would repeat them to his growing band of followers until they became part of their collective memory. These messages would continue throughout the rest of his life. Terrified by the force of the experience, he began to recite words that came to him, words he said were from God. One day in the desert, while meditating in a mountain cave, Muhammad was struck by a revelation that changed his life and the world. Yet as Muhammad prospered with the city, he saw that the poor were increasingly neglected and hedonism dominated the culture. He became a successful trader based in this cosmopolitan center and married a woman who was a wealthy merchant. Muhammad was orphaned as a child, but he was fortunate to be born into the powerful tribe of the Quraysh in the city of Mecca, a regional pilgrimage site and commercial crossroads.

prophet muhammad the movie

With some of the world's greatest scholars on Islam providing historical context and critical perspective, "Muhammad: Legacy Of A Prophet" tells of intrigue and faith, revolutionary ideas and bitter persecution, brutal war and brilliant diplomacy in an arid desert where tribal allegiance was often the only protection. The western world does not realize the amount of hatred which can be created among Muslims on two issues, that of desecration of the Quran and Blasphemy on Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). "In it, we reflect on this 7th-century story through the experiences of 21st-century Americans who feel deeply connected to what Muhammad did, said and believed." The movie ‘Innocence of Muslims’ and its video trailers and excerpts that appeared on have angered the Muslims the world over. "Muhammad is 'history in the present tense,'" says co-creator/producer Michael Wolfe, a well-known Muslim author. This sweeping two-hour documentary goes well beyond the boundaries of the past. A group in Toronto says it wants to screen a controversial film, that depicts the prophet Muhammad as a womanizer and a madman. "There are six to seven million Muslims here in American, where Islam is the country’s fasted growing religion, but many Americans are completely unfamiliar with the life story of the remarkable man who founded this religion 1400 years ago," says producer/director Michael Schwarz.

Prophet muhammad the movie